Economic Consultancies Mr. Garnier To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer which economic consultancies have been commissioned by HM Treasury in (a) 2000, (b) 2001, (c) 2002 and (d) 2003; and in each case what the cost was of each consultancy. [123664] John Healey Complete information for all the periods requested could be compiled only at disproportionate cost. The following consultancies have been identified from information readily available: Taxation of Farming.Identifying the drivers of regional productivity.The effects of uncertainty on investment.Correlation of business cycles in the UK with other major economies.Shocks that have influenced economic cycles.Why EU R and D is lower than US levels.Economic impact of EU enlargement.Productivity in the EU and the US.EU/US trade. (Jointly funded study with Dutch Finance Ministry).Regional Performance.Analysis for HMT's Productivity in the UK series.Update the UK's generational accounts.Britain's relative productivity performance.New "Green Book" guidance on appraisal and evaluation in central Government.Relationship between wages, employment and the participation rate.Team based incentives.Public service productivity.Equilibrium exchange rates.EMU cyclical convergence and shocks.Exchange rate economics.Housing market and monetary policy transmissions.US as a monetary union.Monetary policy transmission.Export market performance of OECD countries.Labour market issues.Location of financial activity.Monetary union and trade.Fiscal stabilisation in EMU.Impact of EMU on business sectors.Minimum benchmarks under the EU Treaty and the Stability and Growth Pact.Policy Frameworks.Prices and competition in the EU and USA.Transatlantic Relations (Jointly funded study with the Dutch Finance Ministry).Trademarks exhaustion.The specific costs of individual consultancies cannot be disclosed for commercial reasons. Total expenditure on the projects above was £413,000.