Channel 5 Mr. Tony Banks To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what studies have been made by his Department of the costs of retuning video recorders associated with the reception of channel 5 output; in respect of how many transmitters have the calculations in respect of such costs been made; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Forth [holding answer 28 June 1990]: As my hon. Friend the Minister of State, Home Office explained during the Committee stage of the Broadcasting Bill on 15 February 1990, my Department has made a study of the possible cost of retuning video recorders affected by interference from Channel 5 in cases where the user has not arranged to receive the Channel 5 service. This study was based on the planned national coverage figure for the service of 70 per cent. The number of transmitters assumed in the study for this planned level of coverage was 25.The new service is not expected to commence for about three years. The market is growing and changing rapidly. Any estimate of the costs must therefore be subject to great uncertainty. The study also made a range of other assumptions in addition to that concerning the number of transmitters. It is therefore important that franchise applicants carry out their own studies of the costs.