Child Adoption (Report) 70. Mr. Lipson asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what steps he proposes to take to carry out the recommendations of the Gamon Committee on child adoption, including the placing of adopted children in the same position as others regarding the succession to property. Mr. Ede The report of this unofficial Committee, which was set up by a number of voluntary bodies interested in adoption, has been sent to me. The contents of the report will be taken into consideration when there is opportunity for amending legislation, but I am not able to hold out hope of legislation in the near future. Mr. Lipson Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that large numbers of adopted children are at present suffering from certain disabilities, and if the recommendations of the Gamon Committee were adopted, these would be removed; and as the matter is not highly controversial would he consider, when he has considered the report, introducing legislation in another place? Mr. Ede I cannot hold out any hope of legislation, and these matters, unfortunately, are not as non-controversial as the hon. Member believes.