Museums And Galleries (Attendance) Mr. Faulds asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science whether he will publish in the Official Report the attendance figures for 1982 reported by the national museums and galleries in England, broken down to the individual institutions but comprising their outstations, with figures in each case of the percentage increase or decrease on the attendance figures for 1981. Mr. Channon Following is the information requested: ---------------------------- | | ---------------------------- |British Museum | ---------------------------- |Natural History Museum | ---------------------------- |Geological Museum | ---------------------------- |Imperial War Museum | ---------------------------- |National Gallery | ---------------------------- |National Maritime Museum | ---------------------------- |National Portrait Gallery | ---------------------------- |Science Museum | ---------------------------- |Tate Gallery | ---------------------------- |Victoria and Albert Museum| ---------------------------- |Wallace Collection | ---------------------------- In the case of the Natural History Museum, Imperial War Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum, the percentage changes are based on subsequent slight revisions to the estimates for 1981 quoted in my reply to the hon. Member for Warley, East on 19 January 1982.—[ Official Report, Vol. 16, c. 100–101.]