Burning Vessel, Merseyside (Firemen's Gallantry) 34. Mr. Thorne asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to the case of a number of firemen, on the Merseyside, who were called to a 7,000 ton vessel lying in dock; and what official recognition has been taken of the gallantry in the face of serious risk shown by Divisional Officer Ellis, Staff Officer of the 20th Fire Force, Column Officer Keanly and Column Officer Humble, who were in charge of the fire-boat on this occasion? Mr. H. Morrison Yes, Sir. The men concerned did their duty in a manner which reflected credit on themselves and the National Fire Service, but I am advised that risks as grave are commonly faced by members of the National Fire Service in the discharge of their duties, and I do not think any question of special recognition arises in this instance.