Regulated Tenancies (Rents) Mr. Spellar To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what have been the figures for the increase in rent for regulated tenancies over each of the last five years; what percentage of tenants of regulated tenancies qualify for housing benefit; and what have been the comparable figures over each of the last five years. Sir George Young Regulated tenancies may or may not have a fair rent registered by the rent officer. The mean percentage increase on re-registration of fair rents in England for each of the last five years is as follows:-- || -- Rents may be re-registered every second year: these increases therefore cover a period of at least two years. Comparable figures on rent increases for regulated tenancies without a registered rent are not available.We do not have statistics showing the proportion of regulated tenants who qualified for housing benefit over each of the last five years. The private renters survey 1990, however, estimated that 52 per cent. of regulated tenants with a registered rent and 35 per cent. of those without a registered rent were eligible for housing benefit. In comparison, the 1988 private renters survey found that 56 per cent. and 39 per cent. respectively would qualify.