Ghent Exhibition 32. Mr. TOUCHE asked the President of the Board of Trade on what date, and by whom, the decision was arrived at to exclude financial publications from the library of British journals in the British Pavilion at the Ghent Exhibition; and whether this was the original intention or the result of subsequent consideration? Mr. ROBERTSON It was the original intention of the Board of Trade that the library in the British Pavilion at the Ghent Exhibition should be confined to trade and technical journals. The question of including financial papers was given particular consideration last month by the Exhibitions Branch when the original decision to exclude all but trade and technical journals was confirmed. Mr. TOUCHE Is the hon. Gentleman aware that an invitation was issued to financial journals to make application, and that when one did so there was a long delay before any reply was made? As there appears to have been some misunderstanding, will the hon. Gentleman make further inquiry? Mr. ROBERTSON If the hon. Gentleman will give me the details I will inquire. I was not aware of the invitation to which he alludes.