Streptomycin Treatment, Leeds Mr. Sharp asked the Minister of Health which are the hospitals under the Leeds Regional Hospital Board where streptomycin treatment is now available. Mr. Bevan Following are the full particulars:of the county councils in Wales for the next financial year, and the mileage of unclassified roads with the total estimated expenditure for the same period. Mr. A. Barnes The following table shows the required mileages and the amounts provisionally expected to be spent on the maintenance and minor improvement of Class III roads and unclassified roads, together with the------------------ | | | | | ------------------ | | | | ||| ------------------ |Anglesey |…|…|…| ------------------ |Brecon |…|…|…| ------------------ |Caernarvon|…|…|…| ------------------ |Cardigan |…|…|…| ------------------ |Carmarthen|…|…|…| ------------------ |Denbigh |…|…|…| ------------------ |Flint |…|…|…| ------------------ |Glamorgan |…|…|…| ------------------ |Merioneth |…|…|…| ------------------ |Monmouth |…|…|…| ------------------ |Montgomery|…|…|…| ------------------ |Pembroke |…|…|…| ------------------ |Radnor |…|…|…| ------------------ |TOTALS |…|…|…| ------------------ Mr. Philips Price asked the Minister of Transport whether grants made to highway authorities in aid of classified road expenditure for 1949–50 for maintenance purposes are to be equal to those made in 1948–49, including the cost of snow clearance; or by how much they arc to be less. Mr. Barnes The total grants to highway authorities in aid of classified road expenditure for maintenance purpose in 1949–50 are expected to be greater than those made in 1948–49 for maintenance, including the cost of snow clearance.