Emigration (Canada And Australia) Mr. RAMSBOTHAM asked the President of the Board of Trade the number of emigrants from Great Britain to Canada and Australia, respectively, during the months of January and February, 1930, and for the corresponding periods in 1927, 1928 and 1929? Mr. W. GRAHAM The numbers of British subjects who are recorded as leaving permanent residence in Great Britain to take up permanent residence in Canada and Australia, respectively, during the months of January and February, 1930, and during the same months of the years 1927, 1928 and 1929, were as follow: ----------- |Year 1930| ----------- |" 1929 | ----------- |" 1928 | ----------- |" 1927 | ----------- |Year 1930| ----------- |" 1929 | ----------- |" 1928 | ----------- |" 1927 | ----------- Mr. RAMSBOTHAM asked the Under-Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether his attention has been called to the announcement by the Canadian Minister of the Interior that in future British immigrants will not only have to provide their own passages, but to bring with them sufficient funds to support themselves and their families for a reasonable time after landing in Canada; and if he can state the exact nature of the changes that are to take place with regard to the conditions of emigration from this country to Canada? Mr. LUNN My attention has been called to statements in the Press regarding the restrictions on migration to Canada of the kind to which the hon. Member refers, but the Secretary of State has received no official information from His Majesty's Government in Canada in regard to the matter.