Quarantine Regulations Mr. Hicks asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will list the quarantine regulations now in effect for persons wishing to bring domestic animals and pets into the United Kingdom; and if there are any exceptions to these regulations. Mr. Strang The present regulations for the control of domestic animals and pets imported into Great Britain are contained in the Rabies (Importation of Dogs, Cats and other Mammals) Order 1974, which came into operation on 5th February 1975. Without exception, all domestic animals and pets listed at Part II Schedule I of the order are required to serve six months' detention—unless re-exported in the meantime—in quarantine accommodation approved for the purpose by the Agricultural Departments. In addition, dogs and cats must be vaccinated twice within their first 28 days of quarantine with an anti-rabies vaccine and imported animals may be moved within Great Britain only under licence and by an authorised carrying agent.