Birmingham, Coventry And Dudley Mr. Rooker asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) if he will now list in the Official Report for each of his Department's local offices in Birmingham, Coventry and Dudley the current number of non-pensioner and pensioner claimants; and if he will give comparable figures for 1979, 1980 and 1981 where available;(2) if he will list in the Official Report for each of his Department's local offices in Birmingham, Coventry and Dudley the current number of persons employed; and if he will give, where available, the comparable figure for 1979, 1980 and 1981. Mr. Newton It would be disproportionately costly to supply the information requested for the 15 local offices in Birmingham, Coventry and Dudley, but I shall reply for the local offices serving the hon. Member's constituency as soon as possible.