Rural Industries Intelligence Bureau 43. Mr. EMLYN-JONES asked the Minister of Agriculture what progress has been made in regard to the revival of rural industries; and what further steps are being taken in connection therewith? Major BARNSTON The problem of the revival and development of rural industries is now being dealt with by the Rural Industries Intelligence Bureau, which was set up some time ago under a Trust Deed and is supported out of public funds. I am sending the hon. Member some particulars with regard to the functions of this body, from which it will be seen that the Committee of the Bureau comprises representatives of this Ministry and other Ministries interested in the subject. There are various other institutions, such as the National Federation of Women's Institutes, who are also dealing with this subject as part of their general activities. Mr. A. V. ALEXANDER Will Papers be laid showing whether the officers of the Rural Industries Bureau are whole-time officers paid by the State, or whether they split their time between the bureau and the co-operative societies? Mr. SPEAKER The hon. Member had better put that question down. The particulars referred to are as follow: