District Heating (Pinkston Power Station) Mr. Gordon Wilson asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he has now completed his consideration of the South of Scotland Electricity Board's study of the feasibility of district heating based on Pinkston Power Station; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Gregor MacKenzie No. The Combined Heat and Power Group, which was established in 1974 under the aegis of the Secretary of State for Energy's Advisory Council on Research and Development to examine the future role of combined heat and electricity generating systems in the United Kingdom, has recently published a discussion document—as Energy Paper No. 20 published by the Department of Energy—which took the Pinkston study into account. The Government will give very careful consideration to the group's final report and recommendations, which will be prepared and published when interested parties have been able to comment on the discussion document. It would be premature to take decisions on any particular scheme until this report is available.