Eviction, Sheffield 70. Mr. RHYS DAVIES asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to the reports of disturbances and police court proceedings at Sheffield arising out of the eviction of a tenant consequent upon the shortage of housing accommodation in that district; and, if so, what steps he proposes to take to remove the cause of the trouble? Mr. PARKER (for Sir Alfred Mond) My right hon. Friend is aware of the proceedings to which the hon. Member refers. He understands that the tenant in question was evicted on account of failure to pay his rent, although he had been treated with consideration by the owner. Mr. DAVIES Is the hon. Gentleman aware that this man, his wife, and several small children, had to sleep out in the open for three nights because there was no place to go to, and were ultimately taken to the workhouse? Mr. PARKER I am not aware of those facts. I have given the answer that my right hon. Friend has furnished.