Army Organization Bill Question SIR JOHN PAKINGTON Sir, I wish to take this opportunity of putting a Question to the Secretary of State for War, of which I have given him private Notice, with reference to the course which he proposes to take in the future with respect to the measure he has submitted to this House on the subject of the organization of the Army. The second reading of the Army Organization Bill stands fixed for Thursday next; but, of course, I presume that the right hon. Gentleman does not intend to press the measure forward on that day, in face of the fact that hon. Members have not yet seen the Bill. The position in which we now stand is this—that after an elaborate and interesting statement from the right hon. Gentleman we are left in the middle of an adjourned debate upon the number of men to be granted. The point on which I am anxious for information is this, Whether the right hon. Gentleman intends to take a full discussion upon the whole of this large scheme upon going into Committee of Supply, or upon the second reading of the Army Organization Bill? I understand that copies of the Bill will be in the hands of hon. Members to-morrow; and, under those circumstances, I venture to express a hope that the Government will not unduly force on the discussion upon it. I should hope that the discussion would not be taken until next Thursday week. MR. CARDWELL Sir, it is most important that full time should be given to the House for consideration of the measure before they are called upon to express an opinion upon it. I hope that the Bill will be in the hands of hon. Members to-morrow. I also think that in a measure of this kind the second reading of the Bill affords the natural and legitimate opportunity for a full discussion of the proposal it contains. I am anxious to make all reasonable progress with the Bill; but still, I think, every hon. Member should have a fair opportunity of examining the provisions of the measure. I therefore do not propose to fix the second reading of the Bill earlier than Thursday week. MR. WHITE said, he wished to know whether the right hon. Gentleman proposes to make the Army Estimates or the Army Organization Bill the first Order of the Day for Thursday week? MR. CARDWELL I propose, Sir, that the second reading of the Army Organization Bill should precede the Army Estimates.