Women Medical Officers 15. Mr. Bellenger asked the Secretary of State for War whether female medical officers are appointed to units of the field Forces serving at home; and what is the position in relation to the static units? Sir J. Grigg The answer to the first part of the Question is "No, Sir." Women medical officers are usually posted to units or localities where A.T.S. are largely employed. 16. Mr. Bellenger asked the Secretary of State for War whether soldiers who object to a complete medical examination by a female medical officer are entitled to ask for a male medical officer to carry out the examination if one be available? Sir J. Grigg The answer is "No, Sir," but if a male medical officer is, in fact, available, he will normally carry out the inspection. Mr. Bellenger Would it be in order for a male medical officer to order a man or an N.C.O. to undergo complete medical inspection by a female medical officer if he is there himself to do it? Sir J. Grigg If the hon. Member is referring to the legal position, the answer is undoubtedly "Yes," but I am now considering whether any limitation of the inspections to be conducted by women medical officers is required. Mr. Bellenger Then I beg to give notice that I shall bring this matter before the House on the Adjournment.