Namibia Mr. Hooley asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is the current contribution by the United Kingdom towards the education of Namibian students in the United Kingdom and elsewhere; and whether Her Majesty's Government have any plans for increasing this in preparation for Namibian independence. Mr. Neil Marten £250,000 is being provided from United Kingdom bilateral technical co-operation funds in 1982–83 financial year. I keep this programme under careful review. In addition, as I informed the House on 3 February 1982, Her Majesty's Government intend to contribute £50,000 in 1982 to the United Nations Education and Training Programme for Southern Africa which provides scholarships for Namibians and South Africans.—[Vol. 17, c. 150–51.] Mr. Hooley asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many students from Namibia are currently studying in the United Kingdom; and whether there are any plans for increasing this number. Mr. Neil Marten Sixty-three in programmes administered by the British Council of whom 32 are financed from United Kingdom bilateral technical co-operation funds and 31 under UNESCO, FAO and United Nations education and training programme for Southern Africa arrangements. I shall keep the number bilaterally financed under review.