Civil List Mr. William Hamilton asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing the current annuities and other payments made on the Civil List; and what increases are contemplated in the next four months. Mr. Lawson [pursuant to his reply, 10 December 1979]: I refer the hon. Member to the answer given to the hon. Member for Tottenham (Mr. Atkinson) on 30 March 1979–[Vol. 965, c. 377–8]. A further provision of £50,000 has been included in a Winter Supplementary Estimate (Class XIII Vote 4) to meet increases in salaries and wages beyond those allowed for when the provision for 1979 was originally determined, as set out in note 2 of the written answer referred to above. The allocation of the additional provision among the members of the Royal Family has not yet been determined by the Royal Trustees.No decision has yet been taken regarding the extent to which the Queen's Civil List and other payments to the Royal Family will be supplemented by the Royal Trustees during 1980.