Travel Allowances Dr. Lynne Jones To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what rates of travel allowance may be claimed by civil servants in his Department when using their vehicles for official business. [36357] Mr. Horam The current rates of travel allowance which may be claimed by civil servants in the Cabinet Office, the Office of Public Service and its agencies, Her Majesty's Stationery Office and the Central Office of Information, are listed. The rates payable in the Cabinet Office, including the Office of Public Service, are being reviewed. Cabinet office, OPS and agencies----------------------- |First 5,000 | ----------------------- |Over 5,000 | ----------------------- |Public transport rate| ----------------------- ------------------------- |Third Party Insurance | ------------------------- |Comprehensive Insurance| ------------------------- |Pedal cycles | ------------------------- COI Motor CarsStandard Rate Mileage—37p per mile up to 4,000 miles in a year and 21p thereafter.Public Transport Rate—23.8p per mile. -------------- |Up to 4,000 | -------------- |Over 4,000 | -------------- |Pedal Cycles| -------------- HMSO Motor carsUnified Rate—38p up to 4,000 miles and 21p thereafter.Public Transport Rate—25p (up to 20,000 miles) ------------------------- |Third Party Insurance | ------------------------- |Comprehensive Insurance| ------------------------- |Over 4,000 miles (all) | ------------------------- |Pedal Cycles | ------------------------- Dr. Lynne Jones To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster if he will list the total cost of travel expenses claimed by civil servants using their own vehicles for official business in each of the last five years in his Department; and what would have been the saving in the last year if the maximum rate that could be claimed was set at the lowest rate. [36358] Mr. Horam This information is not available in the form requested and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.