Southend Medical Officer DR. COOPER I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he is in a position to state the reasons why the medical officer of health of Southend has resigned his appointment; whether this resignation is in any way due to the desire of the Corporation of Southend to reduce the salary attached to this appointment; whether any reduction of salary has been sanctioned by the Local Government Board; whether the medical officer of this town has to devote the whole of his time to the duties of his office; and, if so, will the Local Government Board require such a salary being paid as will secure the appointment of a qualified and competent official. MR. JOHN BURNS I do not understand that this officer resigned his appointment. The period for which he was appointed expired on the 18th instant, and hence it was necessary that the appointment should be renewed or a fresh appointment made. No sanction on my part has been given to a reduction in the salary, nor had I heard anything on the subject until to-day. I have, however, this morning received a communication from the Town Clerk to the effect that the town council have reappointed the officer for three months at £600 a year, but that they propose to advertise for applications for the post at a salary of £500 a year. I gather that the present officer declined to accept reappointment on these terms. It is intended that the person to be appointed as medical officer of health shall also act as medical superintendent of the hospitals for infectious diseases and as medical officer of the Education Committee. Subject to this, he will be required to devote the whole of his time to his duties as medical officer of health. Whether the proposals of the Town Council are such as I can properly approve is a matter which will receive my consideration.