Further And Higher Education Ms. Quin To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he has any new proposals to increase the number of thos0e participating in further and higher education courses. Mr. Eggar Participation in further and higher education is at record levels. Our education reforms of the past few years and the new measures announced in the recent White Papers will promote continuing expansion through the 1990s and beyond. This House can play a major part in that expansion by supporting the Further and Higher Education Bill, which was introduced in another place on 4 November. Mr. Ian Bruce To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science how his Department is ensuring that sixth-form colleges, schools and higher education colleges are receiving sufficient funds to cope with the number of students aged over 16 years. Mr. Eggar In fixing education's share of each year's local authority grant settlement, the Government take account of a range of new developments and the scope for savings. One of those developments is the projected national trend, based on the latest data available at the time, in the number of students aged over 16 in schools and colleges.