Advertising Expenditure Mr. Dobson To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what were the figures for the spending by the Metropolitan police on (a) television advertising, (b) radio advertising, (c) newspaper advertising and (d) other promotional material in 1979–80 and in each following year; and what is his latest estimate for the current year and budget for 1990–91. Mr. Peter Lloyd [holding answer 12 March 1990]. I understand from the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis that expenditure by the Metropolitan police on all forms of recruitment and other advertising, and other promotional literature, in each financial year since 1979–30 is as follows (it is not possible to disaggregate total spending in the way requested for years prior to 1987–88): -- || -- -- || -- ---------- | | ---------- | | ---------- |1987–88 | ---------- |1988–89 | ---------- |11989–90| ---------- Detailed decisions on expenditure for 1990–91 have not yet been taken, but the budget estimate is £3,124,000.