Hydatid Disease Mr. Roderick asked the Secretary of State for Wales if he will institute a screening procedure to discover the incidence of hydatid disease in each area of Wales. Mr. John Morris I am advised that there is no practicable method of screening for this disease. Mr. Roderick asked the Secretary of State for Wales if he will provide a special fund and facilities to Powys area health authority so that it may test for and establish the incidence of hydatid disease in each area of the county. Mr. John Morris Discussions have taken place between officials of my Department concerned with health and agriculture and the Powys health authority. The problem of hydatid disease is best attacked by vigorous health education measures to reduce the incidence of the disease in dogs and sheep as well as in humans. Mr. Roderick asked the Secretary of State for Wales if he will arrange for intensive studies to be carried out in areas of Wales where the incidence of hydatid is known to be high so as to establish accurately all those suffering from it.------------------ | | ------------------ |Clwyd | ------------------ |Dyfed | ------------------ |Gwent | ------------------ |Gwynedd | ------------------ |Mid-Glamorgan | ------------------ |Powys | ------------------ |South Glamorgan | ------------------ |West Glamorgan | ------------------