Quangos Mr. Philip Holland asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer when he last received written advice from the Review Board for Government Contracts; and what action he has taken as a result. Mr. Lawson The Review Board for Government Contracts undertakes periodic reviews—normally at three-yearly intervals—of the profit formula arrangements, and customarily makes recommendations when reporting on them. Reports are submitted to the Treasury and the Confederation of British Industry, and form the basis of discussion between them. The board last reported in July 1977. The recommendations then made were accepted by both sides, and were acted upon. The 1977 report was published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office under the title " Report on the Second General Review of the Profit Formula for Non-Competitive Government Contracts ". Mr. Philip Holland asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer when he last received written advice from the Royal Mint Advisory Committee; and what action he has taken as a result. Sir Geoffrey Howe I shall let my hon. Friend have a reply as soon as possible. Mr. Philip Holland asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) when he last received written advice from the Advisory Panel on Treasure Trove in Scotland; and what action he has taken as a result; (2) when he last received written advice from the Treasure Trove Reviewing Committee; and what action he has taken as a result. Mr. Biffen Both the advisory panel in Scotland and the reviewing committee have been able to carry out their tasks without reference to me.