Personal Case 29. Miss Bacon asked the Minister of Labour if he will make a statement of the circumstances in which Mr. R. W. Hargreaves, 27, Lincoln Street, Leeds, 9, was placed in grade I after a medical examination on 30th June, 1950, in view of the fact that there was evidence showing that Mr. Hargreaves had been advised not to undertake strenuous exercise for two years, and is now being invalided from the Royal Air Force. Mr. Lee I am making inquiries, and will write to my hon. Friend as soon as possible. Miss Bacon is my hon. Friend aware that I had a letter from him on this subject last August? Does not he consider it not only a waste of public money but an injury to the men concerned to treat them in this manner? Mr. Lee Yes, Sir, but I also know that in the same letter we pointed out that this man was placed in medical grade I on the finding of the consultant to whom he had been referred by the chairman of the medical board.