Level 2 And 3 Qualifications Dr. Francis To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills pursuant to his answer of 24 March, Official Report, column 37W, what proportion of (a) Level 2 and (b) Level 3 qualifications achieved in (i) schools and (ii) sixth form colleges in the last year were (A) vocational and (B) academic. [108311] Mr. Miliband Tables 1 and 2 as follows show the numbers and proportions of academic and vocational awards made at level 2 and 3 during the 2000–01 academic year. The data are derived from two sources: academic awards data from the Secondary School and College Performance Tables database and vocational awards data from National Information System for Vocational Qualifications (NISVQ)1. Awards coverage is limited to England only.-------------------- |Centre type | -------------------- |School | -------------------- | | -------------------- |Sixth Form College| -------------------- | | -------------------- Source: Secondary School and College Performance Tables database and NISVQ Note: 1. NISVQ received information on around 92 per cent. of all NVQs/SVQs awarded in 2000–01 -------------------- |School | -------------------- | | -------------------- |Sixth Form College| -------------------- | | -------------------- Source: Secondary School and College Performance Tables database and NISVQ Note: 1. NISVQ received information on around 92 per cent, of all NVQs awarded in 2000–01