American Gooseberry Mildew MR. BECK (Cambridgeshire. Wis-bech) To ask the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether, in view of the fact that out breaks of the American gooseberry-mildew in its highly infectious summer stage have occurred within the last few days in Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, and Norfolk, and that this disease, which has rendered the culture of gooseberries unprofitable and practically impossible wherever it Las appeared, spreads with great rapidity by the spores produced in this stage, the Board will place the outbreaks under the charge of one or more properly qualified mycologists to supervise the carrying out of those measures necessary to secure the eradication of the disease. ( Answered by Sir Edward Strachey.) The Destructive Insects and Pests Act imposes on the local authorities the duty of taking the necessary measures for preventing the spread of the disease; but the Board have been authorised to appoint two inspectors, who will supervise the administration of the Act and give any assistance in their power to the local authorities in the discharge of their duties.