Clause 24—(Notice And Declarations Preliminary To Recovery Of Repairs Increase) Lords Amendment: In page 20, line 26, leave out "containing," and insert "accompanied by." Mr. H. Macmillan I beg to move, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment." This is the first of a series of Amendments—I think there are 14 altogether—which are really little more than drafting Amendments. Clause 24 (1) requires the notice of repairs increase to contain the declarations which are provided for. The purpose of the Amendment is to enable the forms of declaration, which will vary with circumstances, to be prescribed separately and to accompany rather than be contained in the notice of the increase; which will make it much easier to get the forms printed, distributed and made more readily available. Mr. Blenkinsop I wish to take this opportunity of asking for some assurance of the Minister, which I am sure he is ready to give, that it is his intention to ensure that the tenant shall get the Fullest possible information as to the procedure which he can follow, and as to what the landlord has actually done in order to qualify for the increase which he is claiming. Mr. Macmillan If I may reply, by leave of the House, I can assure the hon. Member that, although we are awaiting for the Royal Assent before we can act, we have been working at preparing all the necessary forms and explanatory pamphlets in a simple way as well as the legal forms in order to make the matter as widely understood as possible. Question put, and agreed to. Lords Amendment: In page 20, line 27, after "declaration," insert "in the prescribed form." Mr. H. Macmillan I beg to move. "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment." This Amendment and the ones immediately following are consequential. Question put, and agreed to. Further Lords Amendments agreed to: In page 20, line 30, after "declaration," insert "in the prescribed form." Leave out line 36, and insert: "(3) The forms prescribed for the purposes of this section shall be such as, taken together, to." In line 43, after "increase," insert: "or a declaration accompanying such a notice." In line 44, after "notice," insert "or declaration." In line 46, after "notice," insert "or declaration." In page 21, line 3, after "notice." insert "or declaration." In line 4, leave out "of increase," and insert "or declaration."