Government Estate Mr. Matthew Banks To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what will be the terms of reference for the scrutiny of the management of the Government estate. Mr. Waldegrave The terms of reference are as follows:To consider what arrangements would be needed to enable Departments and/or agencies to take as much responsibility as possible for the management, including acquisition and disposal, of all their civil estate properties, including those which are listed buildings.In particular, to consider: What financial and other systems should be retained or established to ensure efficient and effective property management, value for money for the Exchequer and to safeguard the position of Accounting Officers; Best public and private sector practice on property management issues; What central advice/support is needed for Departments on property management issues, including the employment of consultants; procurement of work services; measures against fraud; standards; health and safety; fire precautions; conservation and environmental issues; What co-ordination mechanism would need to be retained or established to ensure the development and implementation of strategic plans for estate rationalisation, to exploit fully Government's strong position in the market place, to make Departments aware of accommodation across Government and to avoid them bidding against each other for properties; What arrangements should be retained or established for any Department which cannot approximately take responsibility for the management of their civil estate. To make recommendations. The Prime Minister has asked his efficiency adviser, Sir Peter Levene, to review how the Government currently manages the properties it occupies, to consider the alternatives for their management and to report to him by the end of the year. As public service reforms gather pace, it is important to consider whether Departments and agencies should take -------------------------- |Number (000's) | -------------------------- |Per cent, of any subject| -------------------------- |Number (000's) | -------------------------- |Per cent, of any subject| -------------------------- |Number (000's) | -------------------------- |Per cent, of any subject| -------------------------- on more direct responsibility for managing their property, and the means of ensuring that Government property is managed efficiently and effectively to achieve the best value for money for the tax payer. The scrutiny is being led by a team from the efficiency unit of the OPSS and began work on 19 July. Members will be drawn from other Departments and the private sector. Their report will be published.