European Community (Agricultural Support) Mr. Spearing asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will publish in the Official Report, in the manner of his written answer of 28 October 1980, Official Report, columns 248–52, tables showing (a) estimated expenditure of the European Economic Community agricultural guarantee section for 1981 and 1982, respectively and (b) the estimated quantities of each commodity exported to third countries. Mr. Peter Walker [pursuant to his reply, 23 March 1982, c. 343]: Tables 1 and 2 analyse EAGGF guarantee section expenditure in 1981 and the budget appropriations for 1982. I regret that information is not readily available on the quantities of each commodity exported with the help of export refunds.-------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------------------------------------- |TOTAL | -------------------------------------------------- |Adjustment for closure of 1974 and 1975 accounts| -------------------------------------------------- |GRAND TOTAL | -------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | ----------- | | ----------- |Sheepmeat|||| ----------- |Others || ----------- |SUB-TOTAL| ----------- ----------------------- | | ----------------------- |Intra Community Trade| ----------------------- |Extra Community Trade| ----------------------- |GRAND TOTAL | -----------------------