Legislation 13. Mr. Adley asked the Secretary of State for Prices and Consumer Protection if he is satisfied that current legislation sponsored by his Department is operating in the interests of the consumer. Mr. John Fraser Yes, Sir. Mr. Adley Is the Minister aware that he is one of the two, or possibly three, remaining members of the "Hattersley for King" club if he is really satisfied about current legislation? Is he perhaps suggesting that Mr. Alan Fisher, who used to be a sycophantic Socialist until this weekend, has either become a supporter of the Conservative Party or is as misguided as apparently the Government think the rest of the British public are about the success of the Government's counter-inflation policy? When will Government stop trying to legislate themselves out of our four years of inflation and realise that it is only by reducing income tax, getting people back to work and giving them an incentive to work that they are likely to achieve their stated objectives? Mr. Fraser I do not see what any of that has got to do with the Question tabled by the hon. Gentleman. With respect to Mr. Alan Fisher. I must say that the figures given by my right hon. Friend are reliable. The figures for this year are predetermined, and those for next year depend on the sort of wage agreement that we get later this year.