Mike Heaffey Sports Centre, Stanmore Sir Geoffrey Finsberg To ask the Secretary of State for Health if the Health Service will be making any contribution to the funding of the Mike Heaffey sports centre for the disabled, Stanmore; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Freeman I am informed that North West and North East Thames regional health authority will be offering ASPIRE a joint contribution to the running costs of the Mike Heaffey centre of £45,000 in 1990–91, to be followed by a further £45,000 in 1991–92.North West Thames RHA, whose patients are the main users of the Royal National Orthopaedic hospital where the Mike Heaffey centre is sited, will be contributing a total of £60,000; North East Thames, whose patients are the second main users, will be contributing a total of £30,000. These contributions will help put the finances of the Mike Heaffey centre on a firm footing; and, by demonstrating the NHS's support for ASPIRE's efforts to improve the situation of those with spinal injuries, encourage further voluntary donations to this worthwhile cause, which has much public support.