National Library Of Scotland Mr. Ancram asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if any decision has been reached about how the National Library of Scotland's accommodation needs can best be met. regionalisation and the amount actually spent by each authority in each year; and if he will express the excess or deficit of the authorities' spending compared with the recommended upper limit at November 1979 prices in each case. Mr. Younger Guidelines, which are indicative, not mandatory, have been issued as an aid to local authorities in their budgeting since 1976–77. The information is given in the table below and relates to the years for which provisional outturn data are available. Mr. Younger The trustees of the National Library of Scotland have decided that its pressing accommodation needs can be met most suitably by further development of the site which the library already occupies at Causewayside, Edinburgh. This development has been approved in principle and detailed planning will now begin. I hope that the first part of the new building will be ready for use in 1986.