Blind Welfare Mr. WHEATLEY asked the First Commissioner, as representing the Secretary for Scotland, the number of competent local authorities in Scotland who are giving effect to the provisions of the Blind Persons Act, 1920, and the number who have failed to do so; whether, in view of the fact that the bulk of the blind people working in institutions for the blind are members of the National League of the Blind, he will take the necessary steps to give this league representation on the Advisory Committee on the Welfare of the Blind; and will he see that in the appointment of home teachers for the blind preference is given to competent blind persons? Sir J. BAIRD The number of local authorities in Scotland whose schemes, prepared and submitted under Sub-section 1 of Section 2 of the Act, have been approved by the Scottish Board of Health is 54; schemes are being prepared for submission to the Board by eight authorities, and the remaining four authorities are considering the question of preparing schemes. The National League of the Blind is already represented by two nominees on the Scottish Advisory Committee for the Welfare of the Blind. Where the circumstances are suitable for their employment preference will be given, in the appointment of home teachers of the blind, to competent blind persons. Several appointments of this nature have recently been given in Scotland to blind persons.