Public Expenditure Mr. MacKenzie asked the Prime Minister (1) if she will cause to be published in the Official Report a table showing for the last year for which figures are available the sums of money spent on (a) roads and road improvement, (b) sewerage, (c) new housing, housing repairs and house modernisation, (d) hospital and health service building works, (e) education building, (f) new works on airstrips, (g) harbours and repairs and (h) modernisation of such facilities.(2) if she will cause to be published in the Official Report a table showing for the last year for which figures are available the sums spent on (a) roads and road improvement, (b) sewerage, (c) new houses, housing repairs and house modernisation, (d) hospital and health service building work, (e) education building, (f) new work on airstrips, (g) harbours and repairs and (h) modernisation of such facilities in Scotland. The Prime Minister [pursuant to her reply, 27 March 1985]: The information requested is set out in the following table, which should be read with its footnotes.---------------------------------------------------------- | | ---------------------------------------------------------- |(a) Roads and road improvements† | ---------------------------------------------------------- |(b) Sewerage‡ | ---------------------------------------------------------- |(c) New houses, housing repairs and house modernisation≑| ---------------------------------------------------------- |(d) Hospital and health service building work¶ | ---------------------------------------------------------- |(e) Education building• | ---------------------------------------------------------- |(f) New work on airfields▪ | ---------------------------------------------------------- |(g) Harbours and repairs⋆ | ----------------------------------------------------------