Soldiers' Wives (Allowances) Mr. Parker asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that there are many cases of women with families, whose husbands have been called up for three weeks or more, but who have so far received no allowances whatever and are without means; and whether he will at once authorise the advance by the persons responsible of the allowances due pending the issue of the usual formal authorisation? Sir V. Warrender Non-payment of allowances has been due in some cases to delay by units in notifying particulars to the regimental paymasters, and in others to failure by soldiers' wives to notify change of address on evacuation. Instructions are being issued to all units to report cases where the necessary particulars have not been sent to pay officers, or where soldiers' wives are not in receipt of allowances, and immediate action will be taken on such report.As regards the suggestion in the last part of the question, if sufficient information is available for any payment to be made, the full allowance can be authorised at once. In any case of urgent need, application can be made to the nearest office of the Ministry of Labour for temporary assistance under the Government scheme for the prevention of distress. Mrs. Adamson asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will consider the payment of an adequate flat rate for each dependent child of the soldier irrespective of the number of children in the family; and whether he will also institute a rent allowance for the soldiers' wife so as to relieve hardship in the homes of those on active service? Sir V. Warrender I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given by my right hon. Friend to the hon. Member for Derby (Mr. Noel-Baker) on Tuesday, 26th September.