Talks To Farmers (Broadcasting Times) 33. Major McCallum asked the Minister of Information whether, as the daylight hours are drawing out, he will consult with the British Broadcasting Corporation with a view to arranging that agricultural announcements and talks in the series "Farming To-day" should be broadcast after the 9 o'clock news instead of after the 6 o'clock news and at 6.45 p.m., as at present, owing to the fact that at these latter times farmers are still occupied out-of-doors? Mr. Bracken The B.B.C. assure me that they try to place talks to farmers at a time when farmers can hear them. I cannot hold out any hope, however, that the B.B.C. will be able to set aside a time for these announcements and talks after the 9 o'clock news, when the listening audience is at its peak and covers all sections of the community. Major McCallum Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that after 9 o'clock in the evening there are generally war commentaries or similar talks, and is not the production of food by the agricultural industry more important for the war effort of this nation than war commentaries? Mr. Bracken Of course, the production of food is most important, but there are all sorts of important activities to which the B.B.C. have to have regard. I must point out that the B.B.C. are already overloaded with news and features, and much as I should like to accept his suggestion I am afraid that it is impossible.