Cotton Spinning (Experiments) 23. Mr. Erroll asked the President of the Board of Trade, now that the experiments at the Wye Mill, Shaw, have been stopped because the Oldham Cardroom Association objected to time and motion study among the cardroom workers, what action he proposes to take to arrange suitable standards of improving labour deployment in the cotton-spinning industry in accordance with the recommendations of the Working Party. Sir S. Cripps The experiments at the Wye Mill, Shaw, have been modified, but not, I understand, wholly stopped. In addition, several experiments of a similar nature are now proceeding under the auspices of the Cotton Board in other mills. The outcome of these experiments will be made known to the industry in due course and I hope it will be possible to reach agreement for their more general application in such a manner as will lead to an improvement in production. Mr. Erroll Can the Minister say whether the experiments carried out by the mills exactly replace the experiments stopped or modified at the Wye Mill? Sir S. Cripps So I understand. Mr. W. Fletcher Will the Minister read the two speeches made by the hon. Member for Bolton (Mr. J. Jones) in connection with the restrictive practices, of which this may be an instance?