Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee Mr. Robert G. Hughes To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment when he will be meeting members of the Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee. Mr. Trippier I am meeting members of the Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee today following the inaugural meeting of the reconstituted committee. I have asked members of the new committee to look at the three particular subjects. First, I have asked them to review the radioactive waste disposal issues which are likely to arise over the next 20 years. Secondly, I have asked them to review the overall national radiation monitoring programme following the installation of phase 2 of the radioactive incident monitoring network and to make recommendations. Thirdly, I have asked them to consider and advise on the extent and nature of the Department's radioactive substances research pro-gramme.The members of the reconstituted committee are: Members of the reconstituted RWMAC Chairman: Professor John Knill—Chairman of NERC *Dr. Jack I. Abernethy-Member of the Institute of Professional Managers and Specialists (BNFL)*Professor Kathleen J. Anderson OBE-Depute Principal, Napier Polytechnic of Edinburgh, BiologistDr. Helen ApSimon—Imperial College, Senior Lecturer-Atmospheric ModellingProfessor Andrew Blowers—Professor of Social Services, Open University*Professor Keith Boddy OBE—Head of Regional Medical Physics Department, Newcastle General Hospital, Northern Region Health AuthorityProfessor Charles Brown—Heriot-Watt University (Marine Biologist)Mr. Wilf Cassidy—Scientific Advisor and County Analyst Somerset CCDr. Roger H. Clarke—Director, National Radiological Protection BoardDr. Martin Courtis—Director of Environmental Services Environmental Health, Carlisle DC*Professor H. John Evans—Director of the MRC Human Genetics Unit at Western General Hospital, Edinburgh*Dr. Ron H. Flowers—Chief Technologist (Nuclear), AEA TechnologyMr. Michael Folger—Managing Director, UK Nirex LtdDr. Eleanor James-Lecturer Mathematics, University of Aberystwyth, Member of Executive Committee of the Council for the Protection of Rural Wales ----------------------- |Bath | ----------------------- |Bristol | ----------------------- |Kingswood | ----------------------- |Northavon | ----------------------- |Wansdyke | ----------------------- |Woodspring | ----------------------- |Caradon | ----------------------- |Carrick | ----------------------- |Kerrier | ----------------------- |North Cornwall | ----------------------- |Penwith | ----------------------- |Restormel | ----------------------- |Isles of Scilly | ----------------------- |East Devon | ----------------------- |Exeter | ----------------------- |Mid Devon | ----------------------- |North Devon | ----------------------- |Plymouth | ----------------------- |South Hams | ----------------------- |Teignbridge | ----------------------- |Torbay | ----------------------- |Torridge | ----------------------- |West Devon | ----------------------- |Bournemouth | ----------------------- |Christchurch | ----------------------- |East Dorset | ----------------------- |North Dorset | ----------------------- |Poole | ----------------------- |Purbeck | ----------------------- |West Dorset | ----------------------- |Weymouth and Portland| ----------------------- |Cheltenham | ----------------------- |Cotswold | ----------------------- |Forest of Dean | ----------------------- |Gloucester | ----------------------- |Stroud | ----------------------- |Tewkesbury | ----------------------- |Mendip | ----------------------- |Sedgemoor | ----------------------- |South Somerset | ----------------------- *Professor Gilbert Kelling—Professor of Geology and Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of KeeleMiss Angela M. Killick—Chairman, Hampstead District Health AuthorityDr. John McKeown—Director of Safety, Scottish Nuclear Mr. George J. Medley OBE-Director World Wide Fund for Nature UKDr. Les A. Mitchell Director of Technology, Nuclear Electric PLC*Dr. William L. Wilkinson CBE—Deputy Chief Executive, BNFL*Professor David R. Williams—Professor of Applied Chemistry, University of Wales Those names marked with an asterisk are members who have previously served on RWMAC.