Export Of Horeses Lord Apsley asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) whether he will state the number of horses exported from Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Germany during the last four years; and the number exported to other foreign countries during the same period;(2) whether he will state the number of horses exported from Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Eire during the last four years; and the number exported to other Dominions during the same period? Mr. Stanley The following statement shows the number of horses exported from the United Kingdom during each of the years 1935, 1936, 1937 and 1938, distinguishing those registered as consigned to the countries specified. Re-exports arc not included:------------------------------------------ | | ------------------------------------------ |British countries of which consigned to—| ------------------------------------------ |Eire | ------------------------------------------ |Other Dominions | ------------------------------------------ |Germany | ------------------------------------------ |Other foreign countries. | ------------------------------------------