Army—Autumn Manœuvres—Extra Allowance To Volunteers Question SIR THOMAS BATESON (for Mr. MORRISON) asked the Surveyor General of the Ordnance, Whether, having regard to the great expenses incurred by Volunteers attending the Autumn Manœuvres, the War Office will consent to lend to Volunteers present at them, mess tins, haversacks, and canvas bags, to be either returned undamaged, or on the understanding that all damage, fair wear and tear excepted, shall be paid for by the several Volunteer Corps, in place of compelling them to purchase the articles for use during the short period during which the Volunteers can spare time to attend? Sir, HENRY STORKS I am afraid, Sir, the War Department cannot undertake to issue these articles on loan to Volunteers when attending Autumn Manœuvres. The fair wear and tear consequent on their issue would be such that they could not be re-issued to the troops. An allowance of 10s. for each Volunteer of whatever rank who attends for eight days, and of £1 for such as attend 15 days, is made to cover any small expenses of this nature.