Departmental Report Mr. Bercow To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what the cost was of the publication of the 2001 Departmental Report. [112815] Mr. Ingram The cost of publishing the Ministry of Defences annual Performance Report 2000–01 (Cm 5290) was largely borne by The Stationery Office, with whom the contract for producing Command Papers is held. The Stationery Office recoups these costs on a commercial basis through sales of the Reports.The total cost to the Ministry of Defence was made up of two main elements: the number of copies purchased from TSO for our own use (e.g. internal distribution, MOD libraries), plus any additional printing/ publication costs not covered by the TSO contract (e.g. overtime, special finishes or colours). For the 2000–01 Departmental Performance Report, the MOD paid The Stationery Office £12,610.MOD staff costs associated with producing this Report cannot be accurately assessed without incurring disproportionate expense.