Thoresby Colliery (Roof Fall) 121. Mr. Deer asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he will make a statement regarding the fall of roof at Thoresby Pit, Nottinghamshire. Mr. P. Noel-Baker On the night shift of 23rd-24th January, 10 men with two officials were working at a road-head on a longwall face at Thoresby Colliery. About half way through the shift, a small fall occurred, which was quickly followed by the collapse of the whole road-head, trapping three of the men who had retreated inbye to the rib side of the face. Rescue operations were at once started, but the work was protracted because it would have been too dangerous to tunnel through the fall and it was necessary to drive round it. Early on 25th January two men were released and the body of the third, who had unfortunately been killed by the fall, was found later. His Majesty's inspectors are carrying out the usual investigations into the cause and circumstances of the accident. The efforts of all concerned with the rescue operations deserve high praise; the work extended over 30 hours and great tenacity and determination was shown throughout.