Toxic Waste Mr. Edge asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will seek to amend the Control of Pollution Act so as to require all local authorities responsible for waste disposal to provide, either singly or jointly, public owned facilities for the treatment and disposal of toxic waste. Mr. Marks It is not necessary to do so. When section 1 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 is implemented, the waste disposal authorities will have a duty to ensure that adequate arrangements are made by themselves or by other persons for the disposal of all toxic and other controlled waste in their areas. Mr. Edge asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will seek to amend the Control of Pollution Act to lay on local authorities a duty to ensure the safety and, where possible, the treatment of toxic waste deposited before the coming into force of the Act. Mr. Marks I am not certain that it would be reasonable to make waste disposal authorities responsible for tackling the results of waste disposal operations which preceded the Control of Pollution Act 1974. Local authorities have however found it possible to deal with safety and related problems arising in such cases by the use of powers in other legislation. Mr. Edge asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will seek to bring companies engaged in the disposal of toxic waste into public ownership, in order to put an end to repeated breaches of planning and pollution control regulations. Mr. Marks I am not aware that this is the general position. The authorities have a statutory duty to ensure that disposal operations, whether private or public, are carried out in accordance with the relevant planning and site licensing controls. Mr. Edge asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will seek powers to prevent disused mine workings belonging to the Naional Coal Board from being used for the disposal of toxic waste. Mr. Marks No. It is for the waste disposal authorities, and those whom they are statutorily required to consult under sections 3 to 11 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974, to decide whether to licence any waste disposal site and what, if any, operating conditions to attach to a licence.