Waiting Lists 18. Mr. McMaster To ask the Secretary of State for Health when he next plans to meet representatives of health authorities to discuss waiting lists. Mrs. Virginia Bottomley I meet representatives of health authorities regularly to discuss a whole range of NHS issues. 28. Rev. Martin Smyth To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will make a statement on how the length of time for waiting lists is to be calculated. Mrs. Virginia Bottomley Waiting time is calculated from the date on which a patient's name is added to a waiting list for in-patient or day case treatment by a hospital doctor.Under the patients charter, from 1 April 1992, all patients—except for special cases—are to be guaranteed admission within two years from the date on which their name is added to the waiting list. Health authorities will also set local charter standards on waiting times for first out-patient appointments. 27. Mr. Paice To ask the Secretary of State for Health what measures he is proposing to provide patients with more information about waiting times for treatment at hospitals before they undergo the initial consultation. Mrs. Virginia Bottomley The patients charter, published last week, sets out a new right for patients to be given detailed information on local health services, including waiting times for treatment. From 1 April 1992, health authorities must provide information about waiting times for in-patient, day case and out-patient treatment by hospital, specialty and individual consultant, set out in a standard way. Health authorities will also set and publicise local charter standards on waiting times for first out-patient appointments.