News Bulletins 61. Mr. R. Gibson asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information whether he is aware that the shifting of the time of the morning news bulletin on the wireless from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. is a serious inconvenience to many workers in Greenock and elsewhere who must leave their homes before 8 a.m.; and whether he will take steps to have the earlier hour restored and to have the mid-day news bulletin at 12.30 p.m. instead of 1 p.m. so that workers may hear it during their mid-day meal hour? Sir E. Grigg The B.B.C. have under constant review the question of the timing of bulletins. The hon. Member will be glad to learn that arrangements have already been made to introduce an additional news bulletin at 7 a.m. as from 1st October next, and my Noble Friend is passing on to the Corporation the suggestion as regards the mid-day bulletin. Mr. Maclean Will the Minister kindly see to it that when these news bulletins are given out over the wireless they give us some news?