Employment Transfer Scheme Mr. Sproat asked the Secretary of State for Employment (1) how many persons were in receipt of money under the employment transfer scheme in 1976 in respect of paying the fees of house agents and solicitors, respectively; and what was the total cost;(2) how many persons were in receipt of money under the employment transfer scheme in 1976 in respect of housing removal expenses; and what was the total cost;(3) how many persons were in receipt of money under the employment transfer scheme in 1976 in respect of incidental expenses when moving to unfurnished accommodation under the rehousing grant; and what was the total cost;(4) how many persons were in receipt of money under the employment transfer scheme in 1976 in respect of incidental expenses under the rehousing grant for deposits on, respectively, gas, electricity and telephone installation; and what was the total cost;(5) if he will list all the items over the value of £10 for which grants were made under the rehousing grant of the employment transfer scheme in respect of incidental expenses. Mr. Golding I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that, under the employment transfer scheme, the number of people who received household removal assistance between 1st January 1976 and 30th September 1976, which is the last date for which figures are available, totalled 5,592. This assistance may include one or more of the following: removal expenses, rehousing grant and a grant towards the cost of solicitor's and agent's fees for sale of property and towards legal fees in the purchase of property. Statistics of the number of people who receive each of the three grants are not recorded. The full rehousing grant is paid when the worker and spouse and/or dependants move into unfurnished accommodation and no other incidental expenses are paid under this grant.Financial information is not available in the form requested. In 1976 expenditure on these items under the employment transfer scheme and the key workers scheme is recorded in the table below: -------------------------------------- |Removal expenses | -------------------------------------- |Rehousing grant | -------------------------------------- |Grant towards the cost of legal fees| -------------------------------------- | |5,464,069| -------------------------------------- Mr. Sproat asked the Secretary of State for Employment (1) how many persons were in receipt of money under the employment transfer scheme in 1976 in respect of charges for furniture storage(2) if he will list all the items other than rent, mortgage interest and charges for furniture storage for which payments were made in 1976 under continuing liability allowances of the Employment transfer scheme;(3) how many persons were in receipt of money under the employment transfer scheme in 1976 in respect of mortgage interest and what was the total cost; (4) how many persons were in receipt of money under the employment transfer scheme in 1976 in respect of rents; and what was the total cost. Mr. Golding I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that the information on the number of people who have received a continuing liability allowance in respect of individual items of expenditure is not available.Financial information is not available in the form requested. In 1976 expenditure on continuing liability allowance under the employment transfer scheme, the key workers scheme and the nucleus labour force scheme totalled £135,629. Mr. Sproat asked the Secretary of State for Employment (1) how many persons were in receipt of money under the employment transfer scheme in 1976 in respect of free fares to their old home from their new place of work; how many such single journeys were made; and what was the total cost;(2) how many persons were in receipt of money under the employment transfer scheme in 1976 in respect of free fares for spouses or dependants joining them;(3) how many persons were in receipt of money under the employment transfer scheme in 1976 in respect of visits home at times of domestic emergency; and what was the total cost. Mr. Golding I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that information about the numbers of people who received free fares to their old homes from their new places of work, free fares to enable their spouses and/or dependants to join them in the new areas and fares to enable them to visit their homes at times of domestic emergency is not available as statistics about these fares are not recorded.Financial information is not available in the form requested. In 1976 expenditure on these items under the employment transfer scheme, the key workers scheme and the nucleus labour force scheme totalled £43,627. Mr. Sproat asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many persons were in receipt of money under the employment transfer scheme in 1976 in respect of free fares to take up work in a new area; and what was the total cost. Mr. Golding I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that, under the employment transfer scheme, the number of people who received a free fare to enable them to take up work in new areas between 1st January 1976 and 30th September 1976, which is the last date for which figures are available, totalled 13,348.Financial information is not available in the form requested. In 1976 expenditure on free fares to take up work under the job search scheme, the employment transfer scheme, the key workers scheme and the nucleus labour force scheme totalled £179,032.