Remand Mr. McNamara To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what was the average number of days that prisoners spent on custodial remand for scheduled, non-scheduled offences and both together, in 1989. Mr. Cope [holding answer 4 July 1990]: The average period on custodial remand for persons tried in 1989 for scheduled offences was 94·5 days; for non-scheduled offences, 61 days; and both together 80 days. Mr. McNamara To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what was the average period between remand and trial for prisoners refused bail and charged with scheduled offences in Northern Ireland in 1989. Mr. Cope [holding answer 4 July 1990]: The average period between remand and trial for prisoners charged in scheduled offences and refused bail who were tried in 1989, was 94·5 days.