Air-Raid Precautions Work 64. Mr. Kennedy asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of ex- policemen on pension who volunteered for unpaid air-raid precautions service in Fife, Dunfermline and Kirkcaldy, respectively; the total number giving voluntary unpaid service in the districts mentioned; and how many ex-policemen have been called for full-time service and the weekly payments they receive? Mr. Colville I understand that no complete record is kept of the previous occupation or status of persons giving unpaid voluntary service, but that there are two police pensioners engaged for whole-time air-raid precautions work in the areas of Fife, Dunfermline and Kirkcaldy, their rate of remuneration being £3 per week. I may add that retired police officers can best serve in an emergency in the First Police Reserve, which was created for that purpose. I am informed that the number of police pensioners so serving in the areas in question is 37, 10 and 6 respectively.