Ro-Ro Vessels Mr. Hancock To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what status the six ro-ro ships are accorded within the Royal Navy; and if he will make a statement. [128340] Mr. Ingram The six Joint Rapid Reaction Force ro-ro are not part of the Royal Navy. They are commercial vessels, sponsored by the Ministry of Defence. They were built and are owned and operated, under a Private Finance Initiative, by AWSR Shipping, a commercial consortium. They are manned by Merchant Navy seafarers, who are members of the Sponsored Reserves List of the Royal Naval Reserve, and are therefore liable for call-up when the situation dictates.In the same way as for Royal Navy ships, threat assessments are carried out and the appropriate level of protection is provided to the ro-ro, when considered necessary. Such protection may include a United Kingdom Service escort party on-board or accompanying Royal Navy ships.